👋 Hi, I'm Darío Costa

I love coding

I also dabble in game development

I write about random stuff in my blog

> My projects
> My trajectory

Some of my projects

> Chess web with Android app

Just a proof of concept for a website focused on teaching chess beyond the basics: openings & tactics.

Front-end coded with JavaScript and styled using Bulma.

Back-end web server coded in Python with Flask.

Android app coded in Java and Kotlin

My trajectory


Since July

Software Developer & IT technician at Castrosua

Modernizing and digitalizing the factory's bus-building process.
Aggregating sales, stock and manufacturing data into Power BI reports
Developing internal websites and ERP tools.
Automating employee tasks in Python.
Providing technical support to employees.



Computer Science Degree

Multiplatform Development Degree.
CS Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Multiplataforma.



IT internship at Calvo

Managing and configuring the company's hardware resources.



IT Degree

Network Admin Degree.
CS Administrador de Sistemas y Dispositivos en Red.


Wrote my first line of code

I learned to program as a child while I toyed around making my own videogames.